High Heating Bills: Know When To Replace/Upgrade Your Furnace
If your home or office heating bills have ticked upward in the past few months, it’s probably time to upgrade your system. An increase in heating bills can result from a number of different factors. It’s possible that the thermostat is malfunctioning. Aged thermostats often display temperatures that don’t reflect the temperature for which they’ve been set. Such a malfunction often results from faulty calibration. It might be time to replace your thermostat if it’s out of calibration.
Other Common Causes of High Heating Bills
High heating bills also can result from heating units that repeatedly turn on and off throughout the day and night. The system’s blower could be malfunctioning. Or, the problem might be as simple as an excess of dirt, dust or other particles within the blower. Another possible reason why heating units keep flicking on is a faulty limit switch.
General air flow issues also can cause ever-rising heating bills. In some instances, the furnace belt, the bearings or the fan motor are broken or worn, leading to a system that over-activates. Don’t attempt to repair these intricate heating system components on your own. The average person doesn’t have the skills or knowledge required to analyze such parts and complete a proper repair. All of the heating system issues listed above are problems that should be tended to by an experienced HVAC professional. Lean on an expert to identify the root of the problem and advise you whether a tune-up is necessary or if the entire system must be replaced. The average system lasts between 13-17 years, some longer. If you have an older system, think carefully before investing a lot of money in repairs.
P.K. Wadsworth Heating & Cooling
Nearly every homeowner and business owner in the greater Cleveland area will likely receive a surprisingly high heating bill in the mail at some point in the future. Don’t accept it as a necessary evil! Be proactive and reach out to P.K. Wadsworth Heating & Cooling for professional assistance provided by seasoned HVAC aficionados. Our team will inspect your building’s heating system, figure out exactly what’s wrong and let you know if it’s prudent to replace certain parts or upgrade the entire system.
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